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Creating a vision board can be a powerful tool for personal development and self-care. It’s an easy way to manifest your dreams, goals, and ambitions into reality. With so many different vision board ideas out there, it can be hard to know which ones will actually work for you – but with some guidance, anyone can create their own successful vision boards!

In this blog, we will l take a step-by-step approach towards creating your own inspiring vision boards full of positive energy that will help bring all those wonderful aspirations to life as well as plenty of vision board ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

What is a Vision Board?

The idea behind creating a vision board is to create an image that serves as a reminder of what you’re striving for in life whilst simultaneously being a road map of how to get there.  This could include anything from career aspirations to relationships or personal growth goals. When making a vision board, it’s important to choose images and phrases that resonate with you personally so that they will inspire you each time you look at them.

Once completed, hang the finished product somewhere where it will be visible daily; this will serve as an ongoing source of motivation throughout the year. I’ve put mine in my room, so it’s one of the first things I look at when I wake up and the last thing before bed.

Benefits of Creating a Vision Board

A Vision Board serves as a reminder of what you are working towards, helping keep you accountable for achieving those goals – Let’s break this down. 


 A visualisation is an invaluable tool that helps you to focus on the outcome of your goals and imagine yourself already living them out. By picturing what success looks like, you will be better equipped to take steps towards achieving it.

 A lot of Athletes use this technique before a sporting event; for example, a pole vaulter might envision themselves successfully clearing the bar and landing safely on the other side; they intentionally think about each and every movement they will make in order to achieve their goal (clearing the bar) and imagine what it would sound and feel like.

 In a sense, it’s like a form of manifesting, but they are essentially practising the jump in their mind before actually performing it. Visualisation is critical when it comes to achieving our life goals; it enables us to narrow down what we want and commit wholeheartedly towards making those dreams a reality. Visualising your ambitions allows you to set the trajectory of your future in order for them to become attainable.


 When life gets hard or challenging, having a visual representation of where you want to go can be incredibly motivating. Looking at images representing the outcome of all your hard work will give you the push to keep going even during difficult times.

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Having a physical representation of your goals makes them more real and tangible than just writing them down on paper or keeping them in mind alone. Seeing this daily reminder will help you hold yourself accountable for achieving those goals and staying on track with whatever project or task is at hand.


 Creating a vision board also allows for creative expression, which can be beneficial both mentally and emotionally as well as providing motivation towards achieving one’s goals by allowing us to think outside the box while planning our future endeavours.

Vision boards are great sources of inspiration as they allow us to visualise our dreams coming alive right before our eyes. Seeing pictures that represent success stories from others who have achieved their own personal objectives may further inspire us to reach ours too.

Vision Boards Ideas

If you haven’t created a vision board before, it can be difficult to know how to get started. So I’ve put a few ideas below to get your creative ideas flowing. I like to break up my goals into categories and spend time thinking about my goals for each area of my life. These include:

  • Travel
  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Financial Goals
  • Health & Fitness
  • Personal

Places You Want To Visit

 If there’s somewhere special or exotic that you’ve always wanted to visit, why not add it as part of your vision board? Print out pictures or maps of the destination and place them prominently on your board so they can be daily reminders of where you’d like to go one day. I’ve always wanted to see the English countryside, so that’s currently on my vision board. 

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Vision Board Ideas – Travel

Career Aspirations

 Whether it’s working towards a promotion at work or starting up your own business, adding career aspirations onto your vision board will help keep those goals top-of-mind when making decisions throughout the year. Include photos of job titles, awards or other achievements representing success in this area.


This is where I like to put all my other more personal goals. Things like reading more books and writing in my journal three times a week. I actually had on mine to start a personal development and self-care blog for a couple of years, and here we are.

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Vision Board Ideas – Personal


A relationship with family members, friends, partners or even the relationship you have with yourself can be an integral part of our lives – so why not make sure these relationships stay strong by including them in our visions? Place photos with quotes about friendship and love on the board; You can even put pictures of people in your life with whom you want to be closer.

Don’t forget about the relationship you have with yourself; becoming self-aware about ones self promotes growth in your character, and as you learn more things about yourself, you might identify some self-development goals, like, I want to feel more empathy for people or I don’t want to be so defensive to a critic someone might have.

Visualising these goals can help you become the best version of yourself – and who doesn’t want that?

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Vision Board Ideas – Relationships

Health & Fitness Objectives

If increasing exercise and living a more balanced healthy lifestyle are one of your goals, these should also go on your vision board. Again be specific with your goals; if you want to become stronger, find an image of weight lifting; if you want to work on your mental health, find images of yoga and walking in nature. If you want to introduce walking as a part of your daily routine, then add an image that represents walking. 

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Vision Board Ideas – Health

Financial Goals

Financial security is something many people strive for – whether it be saving money towards retirement or having enough funds set aside for emergencies. When adding this to your vision board, be specific with it, whether that’s a dollar amount you are saving towards or a picture of a house if you are saving for a deposit. Being specific about our goals gives us a better chance of achieving them. 

Common Mistakes When Making a Vision Board

Your Goals Are Too Vague  

When creating a vision board, it is important to be specific and intentional with your goals. Many people make the mistake of being too vague or not including actionable steps that will help them reach their goals.

For example, if you want to save money for a vacation, simply writing “save money” on your vision board isn’t enough. You should also include how much you plan to save each month and when you hope to have saved enough for the trip.

You Don’t Look At It Enough

Another common mistake people make when making a vision board is forgetting to review it regularly. Having an inspiring visual reminder of what you are working towards can be very motivating, but only if you take time out of your day to look at it often and reflect on its contents. Without regular reviews, it can become easy for us to forget our goals or let them slip away from us as we get caught up in other things in life.

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Don’t Forget To Take Action 

It is also important not to forget about taking action once your vision board has been created. It may seem like having all these dreams written down will automatically lead us closer towards achieving them, but this isn’t always the case; we must actively work towards reaching our goals in order for any progress to be made.

Writing down tasks that need completing and breaking larger projects into smaller chunks can help keep the momentum going so that nothing gets left behind or forgotten about over time.

It is important to be aware of the common mistakes when making a vision board so that you can create an effective and meaningful one. Now let’s look at some examples of vision board ideas.

 What Are Some Different Types Of Vision Boards 

1. Vision Board Map

 A vision board map is a visual representation of your goals and aspirations. It can be created with pictures, words, or symbols that represent the things you want to achieve in life. This type of vision board helps you focus on what’s important and stay motivated towards achieving it.

2. Mind Map Vision Board

A mind map vision board uses diagrams and images to organise ideas into categories that are related to each other. This type of vision board allows for creative expression while helping identify relationships between goals and objectives more easily than traditional boards do.

3. Digital Vision Board

 A digital version of a traditional vision board, this type utilises technology such as apps or websites like canva to create an interactive experience where users can add photos, videos, audio clips, and text onto their boards from any device with internet access at any time they choose.

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Creating A Vision Board – Step 1

Think About What You’ve Achieved Recently

When creating a vision board, it is important to take the time to reflect on your past accomplishments. Doing so can help you identify areas of growth and potential goals for the future. Consider everything that you have achieved over the past few years – both big and small successes. This could include completing a degree or certification program, landing a new job, learning how to cook a new dish, starting an exercise routine or even taking up yoga classes.

Take some time to think about what made these achievements possible and how they have positively impacted your life. Reflecting on your successes will give you insight into what kind of goals are achievable for yourself in the future, as well as provide motivation when times get tough. It also serves as an opportunity to recognise all of your hard work and dedication, which can be incredibly rewarding.

Think about any challenges that you faced along the way, too – this could be anything from dealing with difficult people at work or having financial constraints while studying for exams etc. Understanding where those obstacles came from can help inform decisions moving forward so that similar issues don’t arise again in other areas of life.

Finally, consider any skills or talents that may have been developed during this period, such as problem-solving abilities or communication skills. these are invaluable assets that should not go unrecognised. Taking stock of all these experiences will provide valuable insights into who you are today and who you want to become tomorrow, making them essential components when constructing a vision board.

Now let’s look at how to assess the direction of your life in order to create an effective vision board.

Creating A Vision Board – Step 2

Look at the Direction of Your Life

This means taking stock of where you are now and where you want to be in the future. It can be helpful to ask yourself questions such as: What do I want out of life? What am I passionate about? Where do I see myself in five years?

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It’s important to remember that this is not just a physical exercise but also an emotional one. Think about what makes you happy and fulfilled, what brings joy into your life, and how you can make those things happen for yourself. Consider any obstacles or challenges that may stand in your way and think about how you could overcome them.

It’s also beneficial to consider areas of growth both professionally and personally; perhaps there are skills that need honing or habits that need changing so that progress can be made towards achieving desired outcomes. Taking time to evaluate all aspects of your current situation will help give clarity on which steps should come next in order to reach desired goals over time, allowing each step taken towards success to become more meaningful than ever before.

Creating a vision board is an important step in setting goals and developing self-awareness. Looking at the direction of your life will help you focus on what’s most important to you so that you can make meaningful changes when considering what you want to change.

Creating A Vision Board – Step 3

Consider What You Want To Change

Step three of creating a vision board is considering what changes you want to make in your life.

The key thing here is to focus on what you can change about your life and how you can work towards changing that aspect. Make sure to be realistic with these changes, don’t set a goal of losing 10 kg in 1 month; that’s not a healthy way to go about weight loss; instead, put on your vision board you want to eat a more wholesome diet by eating four more extra vegetables each week. For helpful times on how to set and achieve goals, you can read my blog post here. 

It’s also helpful when setting goals for yourself to consider why these changes are important for you personally. Is it something that will bring more joy into your life? Will it help reduce stress levels? Will it improve relationships with family members or friends? These questions can help guide the direction of which goals should be included on your vision board so that they have meaning behind them rather than just being arbitrary tasks that need completing without any real purpose behind them other than checking off items from a list.

Once you have identified the areas of your life that you want to improve, it’s time to move on to step four and consider what goals will help bring about these changes. Don’t overstuff your vision board with too many goals – focus on achievable ones that are within reach.

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Creating A Visions Board – Step 4

Don’t Clutter Your Vision Board With Goal 

Having too many goals can be overwhelming and make you feel like you are unable to achieve them all. It’s better to focus on just a few achievable goals that will bring the most benefit in your life.

One way of avoiding overstuffing your vision board is by breaking up your goals with other things, such as quotes or pictures that inspire you. This helps create balance and allows for more room for creativity while still keeping focused on the main goal at hand. Additionally, adding inspiring quotes or images can help keep motivation high when working towards achieving those goals.

Another way of avoiding an overcrowded vision board is by focusing on one area of improvement at a time instead of trying to tackle multiple areas simultaneously. This approach will allow more time and energy devoted towards each individual goal which could result in quicker progress being made overall than if they were all attempted together at once.

It’s also helpful to set realistic expectations for yourself when creating a vision board so that you don’t become overwhelmed or discouraged if progress isn’t made as quickly as expected. Setting small milestones along the way can help keep track of progress and provide positive reinforcement when those milestones are achieved, helping you stay motivated throughout the process until the ultimate goal has been reached successfully.

Finally, take some time every week or month to review what has been accomplished so far and reflect upon how much closer this brings you towards reaching your desired outcomes. Doing this regularly will remind yourself why these particular goals were chosen in the first place, allowing for renewed inspiration and enthusiasm moving forward.

Having a vision board with too many goals can be overwhelming and counterproductive. It’s important to focus on the most meaningful goals for your life so that you can stay motivated and inspired as you work towards achieving them. Now let’s move on to Step Five – Make Your Visions Meaningful.

Creating A Vision Board – Step 5

Make Your Visions Meaningful

You want your vision board to reflect what is most important to you in life, not just random things that sound good. Consider why each goal or vision matters to you and how achieving it will help improve your life.

Think about how each goal fits into the bigger picture of who you are and where you want to be in life. For example, if one of your goals is to save money for a house down payment, consider why this matters so much to you—is it because owning a home would provide stability for yourself and/or family? Or maybe because having a place of your own would give you more freedom? Whatever the reason may be, think about what makes this particular goal special for YOU before adding it onto your vision board.

Finally, don’t forget that there is power behind visualising success with intentionality—make sure every image or phrase included on your vision board has purpose and meaning behind it. When looking at it daily (which we recommend), remind yourself why these specific images were chosen as well as what impact achieving them could have on both short-term happiness and long-term fulfilment levels.

The Science Behind Vision Boards

The concept of vision boards has been around for centuries, but only recently have scientists begun to explore the science behind them. 

The Science Behind Visualisation

 Visualisation is an important part of creating a successful vision board. When we visualise something, our brains are hardwired to respond as if it were actually happening in real life. This means that when we imagine ourselves achieving our goals or having the things we want most in life, our brain responds with positive emotions like joy and excitement – even though these things may not yet be reality.


Neuroplasticity refers to how our brains change over time based on what we do and think about regularly. Studies have shown that when someone creates a vision board and looks at it daily, they are more likely to take action towards achieving their goals because they’ve already “seen” themselves succeeding through visualisation techniques. This helps rewire the brain so that success becomes more achievable.

The Power of Positive Thinking: Another key element of creating an effective vision board is focusing on positive thoughts rather than negative ones. Studies have found that when people focus on positive thoughts instead of negative ones, they become more motivated and inspired to reach their desired outcome faster than those who don’t use any kind of mental imagery technique at all.

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Goal Setting

 Creating a vision board also encourages goal setting by helping us identify exactly what we want out of life – whether it’s financial freedom or finding true love – then breaking down each goal into smaller steps until reaching the ultimate destination becomes easier and more attainable.

Lastly, having an inspiring visual reminder right in front of us can provide much-needed motivation during times when progress feels slow or nonexistent, reminding us why we started this journey in the first place so that, eventually, success will come full circle.

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With the right vision board ideas, you can easily create a powerful tool that will keep you focused on achieving your dreams. By taking the time to think about what has been achieved recently, looking at the direction of your life, considering what needs to change and not overstuffing it with too many goals, you can make sure that your vision board works properly for you. Remember that having meaningful visions is key in order for them to be effective!

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